Richard Speedy
Since receiving his first camera at the age of six, Richard Speedy has been photographing the world around him as he sees it. Having spent 35 years producing award-winning images for ad campaigns, magazines and corporate annual reports, he now turns his sights on subjects and imaging possibilities of a more personal nature.
One project took him to the Las Barrancas del Cobre region of Chihuahua, Mexico for almost ten years to create the stunning images for Dancing Under the Moon, a heartfelt photo essay encompassing the immeasurable landscape and traditional Raramuri people of that enduring and haunting region.
Then it was Taos, NM for several years, to inhabit and explore photographic possibilities inherent in the distinctive light and stirring spirit of the magical and awe inspiring high-desert Southwest.
After Taos, it was water that was calling, and he headed straight for the coast, exploring diverse locations form New England to Key West where the land is informed by the sea, to create images for this, his current photographic project, Changing Tides.
“We might not see the same things Richard Speedy sees. Most of us do not have his poetic vision or his instantaneous grasping of the beautiful in nature, or his fantasy.”