John Macintosh
Traveling all over the world these last few years, a dormant interest in photography was rekindled in me. I feel blessed, especially now, to have witnessed Mother Nature at her most spectacular. But my interest in capturing beauty is not limited to the wonders of nature.
A well-known photographer once told me that I had a quirky eye, for I am equally attracted to patterns and colors in the most mundane of utilitarian objects. The locations may be exotic, but the subject matter often is not; a rusty oil drum in Antarctica, a peeling door in Greenland, a pile of fishing nets in Istanbul, a flattened piece of corrugated iron in the Atacama Desert. It is as if, while I am seeking beauty in Nature, another more intimate sort of beauty captures me.
An artist I admire once wrote: “I want maximum strength with maximum delicacy, I want the color to be surprising to people without being offensive.” This really resonated with how I would like to portray my images “simultaneously comforting and assertive.”
The theme for this far flung and seemingly disparate collection of images is Beauty, Sought After And Accidental.
Gallery Walk-Thru
Interact with the gallery and artwork. Note: Artwork color in Matterport Virtual Tour is not exact. Please refer to the images above for more accurate color.