Craig Cutler
Contemporary Western Artist
From The Artist
I was five years old when I first laid eyes on The American West. It was Christmas and my parents brought me to my sister’s ranch in Arizona. I rode a horse for the first time in my life on that trip. I was bucked off and told to ‘get right back on if I wanted to be a REAL cowboy’. So I did - and my love for horses has lasted a lifetime.
In the sixties, on a family trip to San Francisco, my father bought me a small cardboard camera from a novelty shop. I think it had 12 pictures. I spent five days taking those twelve shots and was head over heals fascinated. This too, has lasted a lifetime.
Through the years I went through many many cameras and finally added three Phase Ones - an 80 million pixel, then a 100 million pixel and my current shoot - a Phase One 150 million pixel IQ4 - absolutely brilliant and without equal. I’m satisfied now.
I studied Fine Art and Sculpture at the University of Colorado - Boulder (what a place back in the seventies). Juxtaposed with Art, my love for The American West evolved, as year after year I immersed myself at ranches and wilderness throughout the West.
I can share with you, without a doubt, there is no ‘higher high’ than starting your day at 4am dawn with a herd of 150 horses as the sun comes up, light presents itself and it’s just you and them. One on one sometimes. It rocks my soul - truly.
My photography lead to Art and then Art lead to Science as my workflow is a composite of Science and Art ... of Technology and Heart. My technique is proprietary. My style is unique and is really a combination of passions ... imaging, painting, technology and shared communication through visual imagery. I travel the world capturing all of my own textures.
I have been very fortunate along the way. People have given me ‘a leg up’ as I am a Featured Artist at The Waldorf Astoria in Park City, have been featured in Beverly Hills Lifestyle Magazine, distributed at The Oscars and have sold throughout The American West to Designers and Art Collectors with sales from: Las Vegas, Dallas, Fort Worth, Phoenix, Denver, Atlanta, High Point, Park City, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Malibu, Detroit, Chicago, Manhattan, Vancouver, Montreal, as well as Europe and Asia. I have also created three books.
I try to be unique and present both clearly and mystically - sometimes obvious and often suggestive.
I love what I do and give thanks each and every day for being alive and being able to create. We are CREATION and so we create ... this is my thinking.
If any of my Artwork strikes a chord with you, it would be an honor for me to be part of your artistic life. If I can somehow bring a visual joy or connection into your world, well, my heart will beat just a little bit faster ...
— Craig